Olive SSembuze
Olive Ssembuze is a renowned yoga teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience and a personal yoga practice spanning 30 years. She is the founder of Yogalives and leads the esteemed 200-hour and 300-hour teacher training programs.
Born and raised in Bern, Switzerland, Olive moved to New York City at the age of 19 to pursue her dream of becoming a professional dancer. In the U.S., she performed with various contemporary dance companies and shared the stage with well-known artists such as Tina Turner, Ricky Martin, and many others. Her performances included high-profile events such as the MTV Music Awards, Radio City, the Lena Horne Tribute, and TV shows.
During her career as a professional dancer, Olive discovered yoga and quickly developed a deep passion for the practice. In 2006, she completed the 200-hour YogaWorks training with Annie Carpenter and deepened her knowledge in 2012 with a 300-hour teacher training.
From 2004 to 2008, Olive taught Vinyasa Yoga in several renowned studios in Zurich, including Airyoga, Planetyoga, Holmes Place, and Arena 225. In 2008, she realized her vision of opening her own yoga studio and founded "Yogalives – enjoy the flow," where she continues to inspire and guide her students.
Olive's extensive background in dance, movement, and yoga, combined with her passion for teaching, makes her a unique and influential figure in the yoga community. Her classes are known for their blend of physical rigor and mindful practice, promoting both strength and serenity in her students.
Elvedin mesic
Elvedin started with yoga in 2015 by chance and unplanned. During a challenging time in his life, he found the perfect balance in regular Yoga practice - specifically the calmness, yet strength Yoga could provide.
Ever since he became serious with Yoga, it has been a way of dealing with life - managing challenges, growing, and aiming at the constant understanding of one's situation.
During his Yoga teacher training in 2021 - at Olives training - Elvedin focused on connecting movement and the body with Pranayama (breathing and the breath).
In his classes, he likes to challenge his students to observe and improve the small things in the asanas, while never losing focus and breath.
Since 2022 Elvedin dedicated a significant part of his free time to Thai Yoga Massage as unique form of holistic health approach under the guidance of Krishnatakis as part of the international Sunshine Network.
Elvedin lives and teaches in Zürich, which he call home since 2015. He is a member of Yoga Alliance International and RYT 200 certified.
But by being joyful, glad, friendly, compassionate and merciful coupled with indifference to happiness and sorrow, virtue and vice, one will become infused with a graceful diffusion of pure soul awareness leading to a favorable disposition. Pada 1 Vers 33
GALA Schweiz/Lifestyle 2018
Studio rent
Unsere Räumlichkeiten können gemietet werden.
Der Preis für 90 Minuten beträgt CHF 180.00 Samstag & Sonntag
Ganzer Tag Wochenende CHF 600.00
Montags — Freitags, 13h30 - 17h30 CHF 100.00 pro Stunde
Our Beliefs
Yoga is a unique possibility where students can learn about themselves. By conciously working on the Asana practice to get ready for breathing techniques (Pranayama), will help to release stress and fear and to find a more harmonious way to live in the world. Those who come to our studio, express the wish to grow on and off the mat. To create Tapas (Discipline) and let us, help you on this endeavor. After the practice of Asana and the Pranayama, Pratyahara (Withdrawing the senses) is the next step to equanimity.
Yoga, keeps us in the Here and Now.
Here is what the different yogis and yoginis have to say about Olives classes:
Your classes are at the same time very precise, athletic, body-conscious and extremely spiritual. With her affectionate style it also allows for beginners to have an understanding of Yoga. She makes every Yoga class a real experience and each one is most enjoyable, therein lies for me a large reason to attend. Olive is still young and has nevertheless already so much to give! (Brenda, 54)
Each and everyone comes away from Olives class with the feeling of having accomplished something or to have been helped in learning more. That is the natural talent of a born teacher - to inspire others, motivate, and be personally enabling. (Jana, 32)
First I thought Yoga was only sweat and muscle stretching. Then I met Olive. There was Yoga: Sweat and muscular stretching! But not only. There is always humor, and there was this group feeling of we all sweat together. And her unbelievably friendly voice, which always led me to discover all the possibilities of my body, leading to an opening of the spirit, which I had no notion of before. First there was sweat and muscle stretching, then humor and release came, and at the end I always find peace and joy! (Mark, 37)
If Asanas are one of the eight petals of the Lotus flower that represent the way of Yoga, then everyone must meet once on this path a Master Teacher who can share the flavor of the Asanas. Without this flavor, the deeper beauty of these Asanas cannot be experienced and there is no progress, so the body remains locked, and the spirit is not at peace. Olive is such a Master Teacher. With her showing the way to deep peace and her way of opening the body is pure pleasure (despite all the effort). (Mira, 42)
Olive's classes are for the serious student which is interested in taking his or her practice to a new level. It is a pleasure to learn from a teacher that encourages growth and is capable in practicing what she preaches. Olive's creates an environment in her classroom full of energy, focus, and determination. The dedicated student may be rewarded with a much stronger practice, inner peace, and clarity of thought. (Wendy)
Sonnengruss / SI Style Nov. 2009
Wer noch nicht das passende Weihnachtsgeschenk parat hat, bucht einen der zahlreichen Workshops. Besonders attraktiv ein Urlaub mit Sonne, Pranayama ( Atem), Asanas( Körper-Haltungen) und Meditation vom 22. Januar bis 2. Februar 2010 in Thailand.
Wenn alle Yoga machten / NZZ JULI 2007
«Meine Mutter verbrachte ein halbes Jahr in Indien, auf der Höhe der Hippiezeit und des Aufbruchs 1969. Ihre Erinnerungen prägten meine Vorstellungskraft. Am meisten mochte ich die Geschichten.»
Harmonie von Klang und Bewegung / 20 MIN 2008
«Im Yoga-Mekka Zürich überbietet man sich regelmässig mit attraktiven Events…»
Wohlbefinden / Sur la Terre Herbst 2008
Der lichtdurchflutete Yogaraum mit dem edlen dunklen Holzboden lässt die Energie ungehindert fliessen und bietet Yogis jeder Stufe eine Oase für die Praxis von Pranayama und Asanas…»
Lounge Wellness N.5
«In einem ehemaligen Lagerhaus gegenüber von Sihlcity befindet sich seit Mitte Mai das neue Yogalives Studio von Olive Scembuze. In der urban-architektonischen Umgebung treffen auf 245 m2 Tradition und Moderne zusammen.…»
«Am auffahrtswochenende steigt im Zürcher SihlCity das erste Yoga Festival der Schweiz. Organisator Oliver Scotoni lanciert damit eine neue Partykultur: Sinnlich, sexy - und katerfrei»
Wir sind bemüht, unsere Tätigkeiten (Verkauf, Unterricht) gegenüber uns selbst und unseren Kunden nach grundlegenden ethischen Prinzipien zu gestalten.
Unser Ziel ist es durch ein handhabbares, relevantes Qualitätsmanagement die Güte unserer Leistungen (Angebote) zu erhalten oder zu steigern.
Wir halten, was wir versprechen (Werbung, Beratung, Produkte).
Wir schützen die Intimität unserer Kunden und Mitarbeiter.
Wir verstehen unsere Angebote als einen Beitrag zur Förderung der Gesundheitserhaltung des Individuums und der Gesellschaft mit ihren sozialen Strukturen.
Unsere Angebote sensibilisieren zur Überprüfung und Reflexion des eigenen Lebensstils.
Wir anerkennen die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten unserer Kunden, Mitarbeiter und unser selbst auch bzgl. unserer Kompetenzen.
Wir stützen unser Denken und Handeln auf eine wissenschaftliche Grundlage (Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften).
Our Attitude
We are open to students of all ages and backgrounds. In our studio all students are treated with the same respect and appreciation. At Yogalives, all students will find a place where they can feel secure to grow in their individual experience, on and off the mat.
yogalives ©2008 we love yoga